
Health Resources for Students and Families

Jenny Oxford, RN

School Nurse Jasper County Middle School 

Phone: 706-468-2227 x217


  • Immunization Requirement

The State of Georgia requires all seventh grade students to have one dose of Tdap and one dose of Meningococcal conjugate vaccine.   Jasper County Middle School must have on file a completed immunization form for ALL 7th graders.   Form 3231 must be on file in the student’s records, or the student will not be able to attend school until a current immunization record is on file.

  •  Medication Authorization

All medications must be transported by the parent or guardian to the school office immediately upon arrival at school and must be in original pharmaceutical containers, clearly labeled as to the name of the student, the name of the medication, the appropriate dosage, and the times for dosage. An authorization form must be on file and match the order on the prescription bottle.  Any student possessing prescription or over-the-counter medication not in accordance with these guidelines shall be subject to the discipline set forth in the Code of Conduct and/or the school’s Progressive Discipline Plan. 

 All self-administered medications must be supported by a medical management plan.  See the Student Handbook for guidelines.

  • General Medical Guidelines 
    • A student must be without a fever of 100.4 or greater for 24 hours without taking Tylenol or Motrin before they can return or come to school.
    • A student may return to school when they have not vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours. If a student is seen by a doctor and placed on an antibiotic, they have to be on that medication for 24 hours before they can come to school or have an excuse from the doctor saying that they may attend school.
    • All open draining sores must be covered while in school.
    • Medication must be housed in an area designated by the school administration and an authorization form to give medication must be on file before any medication can be administered to your child.
    • Medication must be in the original container and be provided by the parent. Students are not to transport medications. If a prescription medication is to be given it must be in the original container and can only be given according to the order on the bottle. An authorization form to give medication must be on file and must match the order on the prescription bottle.
    • Students who use an inhaler, EpiPen, or insulin, may keep the device with him/her for the purpose of self-administration only if supported by a medical management plan that is on file with the school.